Bright Camping is all about the outdoors
Bright Camping is dedicated to providing quality information on camping gear, locations and hints/tips to help our customers have a great time outdoors.
Camping and getting outdoors is about taking time out to appreciate your surroundings. It can be stressful if you are no prepared so hopefully this website will provide the information required to make your next trip successful.
Checkout our guides and lists of top places to go camping and feel free to contribute if you have some quality info to share.
Bright Camping will endeavour to provide quality content in the way of camping guides, top places to camp, latest gear, helpful hints and tips and much more.
Bright Camping has been setup to unite people with a common interest in the outdoors and camping. Whether it be fishing, four wheel driving, treking or even bird watching, Australia is a great place to explore. The thousands of kilometres of shoreline make for a boaties heaven, but with rainforest, desert and all even snow Australia is such a diverse country perfect for camping.

Maureen Spencer
Having travelled Australia several times there is so much to see and do and also write about. My aim is to provide some insights into great places to visit and camp throughout Australia. Whether it be by the beach or in the bush, camping is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle, put down the remote or your iphone and get back to nature.

Andy Sullivan
G'day, Andy here.. There is nothing I like more than getting off the beaten track and exploring this great country called Australia, haha. Ok that does sound like most peoples goal in life, but for many they rarely leave the city each weekend. Hopefully this site will give you the inspiration to get out there and explore! There is so much to do just a few hours drive from all major cities. So don't leave it too late! Go camping!